Wholesale Inquiries

Thank you for your interest in stocking Color Girl Quilts patterns and products in your store. Wholesale orders are for businesses ordering in bulk to resell at their stores. Wholesale ordering is not available to individuals or organizations such as guilds.

The Classic Curves Rulers and all available printed patterns are distributed by Checker Distributors, United Notions, and Hantex (United Kingdom).

Place orders directly for extremely fast shipping 
send inquiries to Sharon@cologirlquilts.com

International orders are welcomed.

Wholesale Pricing and Minimums:

Classic Curves Ruler: $15 / minimum of 6

Classic Curves Plus Ruler: $19 / minimum 6

Quilt Patterns: $6.50 / minimum four per title -or- total of 24 assorted titles with no minimum per title.

Patterns are printed in full color, 5.5" x 8.5" booklet format.

Pixie Medallion and Polka Dot Bikini patterns are printed in full color 8.5" x 11" booklet format.

<< click here to place a wholesale orders or view available products >>

Notice to retail shops, guilds, and others:

Content on the Color Girl Quilts website and blog are for individual use while visiting this website.

Do not print and distribute any blog post, tutorial, or pattern. Do not copy/paste any content such as tutorials, patterns, or blog posts to another website. Do not re-write content on your own blog or otherwise provide it outside of Color Girl Quilts website. This policy applies even if you are not profiting directly or charging for the content.

Please DO share content you enjoy with your customers and audience by linking to the page, post or pattern for them to visit and use on this website.